This blog post is about how to organize your fridge.

If you clicked to this post, you are probably frustrated with your fridge organization situation.
So, you are definitely in the right place!
This post is going to show you exactly how to organize your fridge, as well as why you should organize your fridge, and also make sure to check the step-by-step fridge organizing checklist at the end of this post!
Let’s get started 🙂
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Table of Contents
Why You Should Organize Your Fridge?
I feel like people underestimate organizating their fridge, because it seems like a “waste of money” buying organization products for a fridge.
Since completely organizing my fridge, life became much easier.
Actually though. I am able to know exactly what I have in my fridge, I don’t waste my time searching for for food behind food, and I know exactly what I have, so I don’t forget about food in my fridge and find it after it expires.
Another reason to organize your fridge, is the fact that you’ll be surprise to realize that when you organize your fridge and have all of your essential organization products, you can fit much more in your fridge than just throwing everything around.
Best Fridge Organization Ideas:
1. Organize with clear bins
As I said, the main pro of organizing your fridge, is having the ability to see everything you have in your fridge.
So obviously, clear bins are a must!
I love this clear bins pack from Amazon that comes with 8 clear bins you can use to organize everything you want and need in your fridge.
2. Or use storage drawers
Now let’s talk about real life problems!
So, I got the clear storage bins for my fridge, but my boyfriend got super annoyed with them, because he says that it’s annoying to take the bin out and then take out of it what you want to use (we agreed to disagree on that one lol)
But to compromise (or upgrade), we got these stackable drawers that are perfect for organizing your fridge.
You can use it to organize fruits, vegetables, cheeses and stuff, or whatever you want.
And it makes your life so much easier! You just easily open up the drawer and take out of it whatever you want.
There’s also this slim drawers option from Amazon too, which is perfect if you want to fill up a shelf with stackable drawers.
3. Use a Lazy Susan
I’m OBSESSED with a good lazy Susan!
I love having it in my fridge. I have one for my sauces and it’s just so easy to reach and use.
Also, if you really want to utilize the space in your fridge, you can get this lazy Susan that has dividers, and use it to store different things.
4. Organize your drinks
If you’re a soft drinks person and have lots of cans and bottles in your fridge, you should definitely consider getting this drinks organizer from Amazon!
It features an automatic pusher glide, making it so easy to reach and use on a daily basis.
5. Steal extra storage space with drawers!
If you have a small fridge, or you just want to realllyyyy take advantage of every spot of your fridge, you should definitely consider getting these extra pull out drawers from Amazon.
It’s perfect for extra organization space, you can also use it to store eggs, extra fruit, meat, and whatever you want.
They are so easy to clip on your fridge’s shelves, and are perfect for easy daily uses.
Also, I found an option with dividers, that you can use these divided fridge drawers to store different things in one drawer.
Step-By-Step Guide to Organizing Your Fridge
Start off by taking out everything out of your fridge, and sort it by what to keep and what expired. Take out everything you have and make sure your fridge is completely empty!
Deep clean EVERYTHING. All the shelves, drawers, doors, everything that needs to be clean – clean it.
Before putting all of your organizers inside, map out your fridge and plan out what’s more convenient to do for your daily life.
For example, I know that I like having my more go-to food and products reachable in the second shelf of my fridge, so I know I want to put the stackable drawers on the second shelf, because it’s the shelf we reach to the most.
Next up, it’s time to organize your containers inside the fridge according to your fridge map plan!
And last but not least, the fun part – organize everything in your containers and put everything back in your fridge!
And that’s it for today! I hope you found some smart ways to organize your fridge!
This post was all about how to organize your fridge.

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